birth restored

Grow deeper with the Lord and gain an in-depth understanding of how He designed your body to birth in power and love.

about the course

Birth Restored is a Christian Childbirth Education course where we’ll explore pregnancy, labor, and birth in light of Truth, scientific evidence, and God’s perfect design for our bodies.

As we evaluate these beautiful stages, mothers will be able to move past our culture’s fear-inducing view of childbirth and truly trust in their body’s perfect design for pregnancy and birth.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Psalm 139:14 ESV

course breakdown

Each unit is designed to be completed in a week’s time. Throughout the course you’ll be prompted to record your thoughts, feelings, prayers and notes as you gain more insight about pregnancy and birth. If you choose the remote option you will be able to complete this course at your own pace.

  • Dive into God's design for conception and pregnancy, biblical truths for pregnancy, prenatal wellness, and choosing your birth location and team.

  • Learn about common pregnancy complications, what happens before labor begins and on your birthing day.

    We'll also cover the medical stages of birth and holistic stages of labor, while evaluating common interventions.

  • In this unit, we will address labor and birth expectations in light of biblical truths about birth; while learning more about unmedicated birth, optional pain medications and labor challenges.

  • Let's take a peek into the postpartum journey or the "fourth trimester", as some call it. This period plays a crucial part in mom's healing, breastfeeding and newborn care.

    You'll also take time in this unit to gather everything you have learned and create your birth plan.

  • We'll demonstrate and discuss measures for supporting mom during labor.

    These can be shared with your support persons and practiced prior to labor starting.

available hybrid courses

March 2025 Cohort

Dates: March 1, 2025 - March 29, 2025

In Person Dates: Saturdays, March 1, 15, & 29

Location: Origin Chiropractic 310 N Main St, Princeton, TX 75407

Time: 9am - 12pm

Price: $300 ($250 will be due upon purchase, $50 will be due on Day 1 of the course)

what’s included?

  • The class is offered in a hybrid or online format.

  • You will receive a Birth Restored Course Journal on your first day, which is a combined workbook and devotional.

    If you take the fully online course, you may need to cover the cost of your course journal separately.

  • You will receive access to an online community where you can connect with other Birth Restored mamas, ask questions, and share your experiences.

  • To provide support throughout the week you will receive a weekly newsletter for 5 weeks with recap of each unit along with some additional tips.


  • Nope! We actually encourage that partners attend the classes to listen and engage in the course material. Mom may need your support and advocacy at times.

  • Yes! This course is designed for moms who are preparing for childbirth in general.

    Each pregnancy and birth comes with its own story and challenges. Learning about your body and what your options are will always be beneficial, no matter which number pregnancy you’re on.

  • Childbirth education helps you build confidence around your body’s ability to birth. You and your partner will learn tactics that will help support you during pregnancy and labor.

  • Not at all. Throughout the course we will cover topics that apply to you no matter what type of birth you are planning. Some topics include: how God perfectly designed your body to carry and birth your baby, how to support your body during pregnancy and labor, and ways to care for your baby and body postpartum.

  • Birth Restored courses take an evidence-based and christ-centered approach to childbirth and pregnancy.

    What does this mean? Birth Restored is one of (if not the only) Childbirth Education course built on biblical principles in tandem with scientific evidence.

  • No. However, we will be sharing evidence-based information and scripture through the lens of Christian theology.

equipping women with the tools they need for an empowered pregnancy & birth.